Series: Stand Alone Messages
The Love of God
March 16, 2025 | Dan Reid
Passage: John 3:16
1. God’s love is __ _____
“So” gives us the understanding of the _____ of His love
The love of God is greater farThan tongue or pen can ever tell,It goes beyond the highest starAnd reaches to the lowest hell;The guilty pair, bowed down with care,God gave his Son to win;His erring child He reconciled,And pardoned from his sin.Could we with ink the ocean fillAnd were the skies of parchment made,Were ev’ry stalk on earth a quillAnd every man a scribe by trade,To write the love of God aboveWould drain the ocean dry,Nor could the scroll contain the wholeThough stretched from sky to sky.
2. The gift God gave is _______ ____ any other gift
3. God’s gift accomplished the ________ _______ in history
a. Through ___ _____
b. For sinners who _____ ______
c. It's a gift that _____ _______