Series: I Believe...
February 25, 2024 | Andy Donahou
1. Get _____________ in our obligation.
a. Our _______ is to the Spirit. We _______ for God.
b. _________ is not an option in the Christian Life.
c. Justification secures our glorification, but sanctification is the _______ we travel between the two
2. Get to ________!
a. _________ that we have and ________ that we are, belong to God
b. We are to get to work with what we are _________
c. God does not need _________ we can bring to the table, but He gives us the opportunity to partner in His cause on earth.
3. Get the _________ attitude about giving.
a. A willing and cheerful giver possesses the love of God in them.
b. Our giving to the church is based on our _________ to the Lord.
c. God ________ a cheerful giver.
Series Information
What the Bible says about...