Series: Surprised by Grace

Nic @ Night

July 07, 2024 | Dan Reid

Passage: John 3:1-15


Nicodemus was a ________. 
Nicodemus was a _______. 
Nicodemus was a __________. 

1. New birth is ________
New birth is an ___ __ ___ whereby eternal life is imparted to the believer

2. The importance of ___ _____
The child inherits the ______ of the parents, and so does the child of God. 
All of us are born with a ______ ______
The Christian has an ________ for the things of God 
We must be ____ _____

3. The _______ of new birth 
Like the wind, the Holy Spirit is invisible but powerful and ___ ________ _______.

4. Spiritual truths are only __________ ___________

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Series Information

Hear stories of God's grace from past to present

Other sermons in the series

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