Soup-er Bowl & Big Game Night
Sunday, February 11, 2024, 6:30 PM - 8:15 PM

Room: Fellowship Hall
Contact: var u498033075="bpowell"; var h984654733="";var linktext=u498033075+'@'+h984654733;document.write('' + linktext + ''); " title="Send email">Brett PowellBrett Powell
This fun night of fellowship will be on Sunday, February 11, in our Fellowship Hall. Bring a pot of your favorite homemade soup or chili for a friendly competition where the winners of a "taste-off" will walk away with a nice prize! Everyone will "vote" by putting a donation in a cup in front of their favorite soup.
The Super Bowl will kickoff at 6:30 pm. We'll have a the game on the wall for you to watch or feel free to bring some board games to play.
At half-time, we'll announce the winners of the "taste-of" and our friends from Awake Ministries and Operation Care will share a little about their ministries. The money we raise will be given these local ministries.